
Bacterial Genome Detection - PCR/NAT Multiplex Nachweisverfahren für Gastrointestinale Pathogene (548)

1 set = 4 samples of 0.3 ml
Sample properties:
Price Per Test:
595,00 Euro
Volume Price (from 2 EQAS):
additional sample not available
These prices apply exclusively to orders placed through INSTAND e.V. For orders placed through distributors, prices and services may differ.


Registration deadline:

Sample shipment:

Closing Date:

Nov. (6)
Shipping Information:
Shipping at ambient temperature
Mixtures of 0 to 4 of the different pathogens specified in the panel are to be expected in the respective individual samples:
Certificate Validity:
12 months
Safety Note:
Process as patient sample material
Additional Information:
In order to take into account the usually very different pathogen coverage of commercially available multiplex PCR/NAT concepts, each of the parameters listed above is certified separately as part of the evaluation. Only results from multiplex PCR/NAT test systems with a precisely specified test/kit designation are accepted. The parallel use of singleplex PCR/NAT detection methods for individual pathogens in the panel is not certified. The relatively broad spectrum of pathogen-specific EQA programmes for bacterial genome detection PCR/NAT is still available for this purpose. <B>Due to the large number of orders, we had to deactivate the registration prematurely. We are considering increasing the number of sample sets! </B>
EQAS Expert: