
Basophil Activation Test (653)

2 samples of 2.6 ml
Sample properties:
EDTA whole blood, not stabilized, overnight shipping
Price Per Test:
439,00 Euro
Volume Price (from 2 EQAS):
additional sample not available
These prices apply exclusively to orders placed through INSTAND e.V. For orders placed through distributors, prices and services may differ.


Registration deadline:

Sample shipment:

Closing Date:

May (3) Oct. (6)
11.01.2024 16.08.2024
07.05.2024 15.10.2024
17.05.2024 25.10.2024
Shipping Information:
Cooled shipping
Basophil activation by allergens bee and wasp. The stimulants are not included!
Certificate Validity:
12 months
Safety Note:
Process as patient sample material
Additional Information:
Due to high demand and limited sample material, we cannot accept any further orders for appointment 3 at this time. Cancellations will be accepted until 08.03.2023 at instand@instand-ev.de.
EQAS Expert:

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Sack

Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR

Institut für Klinische Immunologie

Johannisallee 30

04103 Leipzig


+49 341 972 5500


Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Boldt

Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR

Institut für Klinische Immunologie

Johannisallee 30

04103 Leipzig


+49-341 97 25830
