
Mycobacteriology 05 - Drug Susceptibility Testing (425)

5 samples
Sample properties:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains for phenotypic resistance testing (incl. second-line drugs)
Price Per Test:
43,00 Euro
Volume Price (from 2 EQAS):
additional sample not available
These prices apply exclusively to orders placed through INSTAND e.V. For orders placed through distributors, prices and services may differ.


Registration deadline:

Sample shipment:

Closing Date:

May (2) Nov. (5)
19.01.2024 12.07.2024
19.03.2024 10.09.2024
10.05.2024 01.11.2024
Shipping Information:
Shipping at ambient temperature
Susceptibility Testing of Tuberculosis Bacteria
Certificate Validity:
12 months
Safety Note:
Process as patient sample material. The participating laboratory must be authorized to perform direct and/or indirect detection of pathogens.
Additional Information:
Each registration for this group must confirm that the test is performed in a laboratory with security level S3 and with appropriately qualified personnel.
EQAS Expert:

Dr. Sönke Andres

Forschungszentrum Borstel

Nationales Referenzzentrum für Mykobakterien

Parkallee 18

23845 Borstel


+49 4537 188 6480


Dr. med. Inna Friesen, MSc

Forschungszentrum Borstel

Nationales Referenzzentrum für Mykobakterien

Parkallee 18

23845 Borstel


+49 4537 188 2180
